You Need Just 5 Minutes To Get Rid Of A Headache Without Medication

We all experience headaches from time to time. The pain can vary from dull to raging. When you have a headache, it is hard to stay focused or to perform daily tasks.

Sometimes we cannot get a natural remedy like white willow bark, so we turn to meds.

Anyway, you do not need pills when you have a headache because there are six pressure points that can help you out.

Massage Helps

We often rub our head when we are in pain. But, why we do that? Just like acupuncture, acupressure is a very old technique that applies the same theory. In acupuncture we use needles, but in acupressure, we use gentle, firm touch.

The point is to send our body signals while using an external force in order to stimulate energy. With the help of the pressure, we start the natural healing process that begins to ease the pain, restore balance, as well as fight a disease.

Throughout the body we have meridians, and they connect many points. During a headache, you may start massaging the base of your neck or your temples without even being aware what you are doing. And, this is acupressure.

One Taiwanese study revealed that acupressure is more effective than meds in easing the pain as well as decreasing the frequency of constant headaches. So, in this article, we offer you six pressure points that will help you relieve your pain.

Acupressure – How to Use it?

When you want to perform acupressure, you need to:

– Sit somewhere in a comfortable position. Then, close your eyes, and make sure to inhale deep and even breaths.

– Use deep and firm pressure to every pressure point. Massage in small circular motion. In this way, you will stimulate blood flow under the surface.

– Massaging every point needs to take half a minute to a minute. You can perform the massage again in 10 minutes if you still have a headache.

– Acupressure is safe, and you can use it whenever you need.

Which Are the 6 Pressure Points?

Make sure to have a productive day by not letting your headache take away your concentration and productivity. Here are the pressure points you need to massage in order to ease your pain.

Pressure Point #1 – Yintang

This pressure point is also popular as “the third eye.” It is located between your eyebrows on the bridge between your nose and forehead. This is an important point for those who do not sleep enough or work in front of a computer.

Also, if you experience insomnia, vertigo, or eye fatigue, you can use this pressure point to relieve the conditions.

Pressure Point #2 – Zan Zhu

These points are positioned at the base of your inner eyebrows, more precisely, at the edge of the supraorbital notch bone. A lot of people touch these points reflexively when they have a headache.

You can massage these points to relieve blurred vision, stiff neck, dizziness, psychosis, repeated sneezing, as well as eye disease.

Pressure Point #3 – Yingxiang

Yingxiang pressure points are located on both sides of your nostrils under your cheekbone, at the area where your nose meets your cheek.

Besides being great for headaches, these points are excellent for relieving nosebleeds, congestion, allergies, and sinus issues. Even those who have acute respiratory tract infections, find these points useful in easing nasal congestion.

Pressure Point #4 – Tian Zhu

On both sides of your spine on the base of the skull, there are these two points. Tian Zhu is great for relieving body aches, memory, dizziness, fever, back and shoulder pain, stiff neck, nasal congestion, lack of concentration, and sore throat.

Pressure Point #5 – Shuai Gu

Shuai gu point is positioned about one inch above the front curve of your ear. To know for sure that you have hit the spot, you are supposed to feel a slight notch in the bone.

It helps in easing vertigo, migraine, vomiting, and it improved tinnitus. In order to get the best results, you should massage both sides of your head.

Pressure Point #6 – He Gu

When you hold your thumb against your index finger, there is located this point. When you open your hand, you feel the point in the part of your muscle between your thumb and hand.

If you properly massage this point, you can ease jaw pain, migraine, diarrhea, tension headache, congestion, stomach ache, dizziness, constipation, and sinusitis.

When you have a headache, then there is something going on in your body. Acupressure treats the cause, but it can also relieve stress, improve blood and lymph circulation, and increase your energy.

One trial that lasted two years and involved 500 people with a migraine, cluster headaches and tension revealed that because of acupressure, they replaced meds like steroids, methysergide, propanol, ergotamine preparations, and analgesics.

Acupressure is easy to perform, and it does not have toxic effects. Well, next time when you have a headache, you should not look in your medicine cabinet, but use your fingers to massage the points that treat headaches.


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