Tag Archives: study

Diet Soda’s Worst Fear Coming True: Massive Study links Aspartame to Major Problems

If you google “aspartame,” the results will take you literally days to wade through-believe me, I know. I’ve been sifting through it for days. There’s more than enough information, research, and speculation out there on the subject to fill volumes, and this is just a small article. So rather than simply rehash everything that has …

Study: Drinking Wine is More Important than Exercise to Living Past 90

Living long enough to see your children and grandchildren grow is priceless.  Unfortunately, not many people are lucky enough for this to happen. Living Longer With…Wine? Although medicine has significantly progressed over time and has done great jumps in keeping us healthy, this is not the only thing keeping us going. So, what`s the secret? …

New Study: The More You Hug Your Kids, The More Their Brains Develop

The time spent with the family and children is an essential part of human interaction. It strengthens the bonds and leads to countless physical and health advantages. Apparently, at a biological level, it causes amazing positive changes. Oxytocin is a hormone first discovered in 1906, by Sir Henry Dale, who coined the term, and derived …